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4 Things To Know Before Your First Wine Tasting Or Wine Tour

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Going on a wine tasting can be a fun and enlightening experience. Not only will you have the opportunity to learn more about different kinds of wine and how they're made, but you may even discover some new types of wine that you enjoy in the process. However, if you've never been on a wine tasting or wine tour before, you may be feeling a little uneasy--worrying about making a fool of yourself. Don't fret; keep just a few important tips in mind and you'll be sure to have a good time.

Your Tasting Might Be Free

First of all, understand that every winery is different in terms of how they price their tastings. Some wineries offer free tastings of all of their wines, whereas others may require you to pay a small fee in exchange for a tasting of a certain number of wines. Either way, keep in mind that you should always tip the person who is serving your wine--even if your tasting is free. You don't have to tip much; a dollar or two goes a long way.

Taste From Dry to Sweet

When tasting wine, you'll be able to best experience each unique flavor if you start with drier wines and work your way towards the sweeter ones. Most wineries will have their wines listed from dry to sweet on your tasting sheet, so as long as you taste them in order, you should be fine. 

Cleanse the Palate Often

In addition to tasking your wines from dry to sweet, it's also recommended that you cleanse your palate in between tasting each wine. This way, flavors from the last wine you tried won't inhibit your ability to fully experience the next wine on your list. Most wineries should have some crackers or other palate-cleansing snacks available at the tasting counter for this purpose.

Feel Free to Ask for Guidance

Finally, don't hesitate or be embarrassed to ask for guidance if you have questions or aren't sure which wines to taste. The people who work at tasting rooms in wineries have a great deal of knowledge about the kinds of wines served there and should be able to answer just about any question you may have. They should also be more than happy to make some recommendations on wines to try based on your unique tastes, so don't be shy or feel bad about asking for help. Contact a company, such as Ambassador Limousine, for transportation to your next winery.   
